
Wildlife Portugal offers a variety of extended trips and guided experiences in the region.


Phone: +351 966 314 429

Wildife watching and photo-safari in Côa valley

Experience the specially designed wildlife watching hides, developed by local entrepreneur Fernando Romao, a wildlife guide and photographer that will take you into the heart of wild nature in Faia Brava Nature Reserve.

The owner of Wildlife Portugal, Fernando Romão, at the wildlife watching hide in the Côa Valley, Western Iberia rewilding landscape, Portugal.

The owner of Wildlife Portugal, Fernando Romão, at the wildlife watching hide in the Côa Valley, Western Iberia rewilding landscape, Portugal.
Juan Carlos Múñoz / Rewilding Europe

Wildlife Portugal was recently created and started by Fernando Romao, a local wildlife enthusiast and nature guide, and together with local partner Associação Transumância e Natureza (ATN) is offering unique safaris in the Côa Valley. The cliffs in the Côa valley are home to endangered vulture species including the Black and Egyptian vulture. As part of the research and protection of these species, the wildlife hide was set up for monitoring in the past.

This new enterprise offering, allows guests to visit the wildlife hides within Faia Brava and witness these magnificent birds soaring over the cliff edges and hopefully closer.

The new wildlife hide has been specifically designed to meet the high standards for wildlife photography, while having no impact on the wildlife. Able to accommodate four to six guests, the hide is fitted with special photographic glass, individual camera ports and comfortable chairs. The vulture experience normally begins first thing in the morning, and after a short 30 minute drive through the reserve, when guests are escorted to the hide. This experience lasts 2–3 hours depending on the day, weather and time of year.

Based on a remote water source a second wildlife watching hide is currently being developed, and will focus on smaller birdlife and mammals within the region. This hide will offer a great mid-day and early evening activity within the Faia Brava reserve.

Through a rewilding levy, each visit to the wildlife hides helps in the daily management, protection and further development of the Faia Brava reserve.

Wildlife Portugal was developed with Rewilding Europe in cooperation with local entrepreneur Fernando Romoa, who owns the wildlife hides.  A low-cost loan was offered through Rewilding Europe Capital, with Rewilding Europe also providing ongoing technical and operational support.

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